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Gren Christie
Aug 20, 20223 min read
Waimate drinking water poisoned by nitrates – “a cautionary tale for CHB” says WWUs Gren Christie
Christie: “Beware of mayors who have been overfed big ideas – if Alex Walker’s water roadmap is successful we can be even more like Waimate”

Trevor Le Lievre
Aug 14, 20223 min read
BREAKING! Ruataniwha dam back in spotlight! Dam promotion group apply to extend consents to 2030!
Le Lievre: The big question here is why are CHB residents who will be adversely impacted by the dam being denied the opportunity to submit?

Wise Water Use
Jul 22, 20222 min read
Investment in water storage projects removed from Centralines' Statement of Corporate Intent!
Trevor Le Lievre: “Petition a success! As a community we can shape the narrative about options for Wise Water Use of our water resource.”

Trevor Le Lievre
Jul 5, 20223 min read
Video exposes media playing down harm caused by dairy industry to water from nitrogen leaching
Dr Le Lievre: “It’s a pipe dream to expect we can continue producing the same amount of milk without continuing to damage our environment”

Gren Christie
Jul 5, 20222 min read
WWU’s Gren Christie crunches the numbers on the effluent produced by local dairy company, BEL Group
Christie: “The number of cows the BEL Group have in CHB equates to the same as 113,932 people all doing their business on just 2,573 ha.!”

Trevor Le Lievre
Jul 5, 20222 min read
Nitrates in the news again – not enough rainwater to dilute nitrates from intensive dairy farming
Mike Joy: “The amount of water needed to dilute nitrogen ranged from 433 to 11,110 litres of water per litre of milk”
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