Thursday 23 May 2024
Wise Water Use Hawkes Bay are taking a convoy of supporters to Auckland to protest against the resurrection of the Ruataniwha Dam under the Fast-track Approvals Bill, announces spokesperson, Dr Trevor Le Lievre.
The March for Nature, organised by Greenpeace, Forest and Bird, WWF New Zealand and other national environmental groups will take place in Aotea Square, Auckland on Saturday 8th June.
“The Ruataniwha Dam promoters have applied for fast-track approval with the support of Irrigation NZ, who have declared the dam their number one priority. Under Schedule 5 of the draft Bill the Minster of Conservation can unilaterally authorise the exchange of the 22 ha. of DoC-administered Ruahine Forest Park land needed to build the dam without advising or consulting the communities or iwi who it will effect”.
The Supreme Court in 2017 declared the land swap illegal, sending a strong message that Aotearoa/New Zealand’s conservation state is protected under law.
“However, this anti-democratic, anti-environment government intend to ride roughshod over the highest Court in the land with a stroke of the pen – they have no mandate, and New Zealanders need to take power back by marching in Auckland in numbers”, Le Lievre said, quoting Green Party co-leader, Chloe Swarbrick: “Power and politics belong to those who turn up”.
“This coalition government has declared war on nature with the Fast-track Approvals Bill as its bludgeon. Shane Jones, the most unapologetic anti-environment minister in this country’s history is calling the shots on the Ruataniwha dam – we know Jones was recently in Hawkes Bay drumming up support for the dam”, Le Lievre declared.
Le Lievre says that they have 20 supporters – including as young as 8 yrs. – committed to travel to Auckland to date, and are organising carpooling and shared accommodation costs. He urges anyone keen to join them and march under the Wise Water Use banner to visit their website or social media page.
Supporting Information
The clauses in the draft Bill that are relevant to the Ruataniwha Dam are presented below, along with comments. Select Committee hearings are currently underway.
Schedule 5
Process relating to Conservation Act 1987 and Reserves Act 1977
Part 3
Land exchanges
16 Application of this Part
This Part applies if an applicant requests, in relation to a project that is referred to an expert panel, the exchange of one of the following for land specified by the applicant:
(a) a conservation area or part of a conservation area:
An applicant can apply for an exchange of conservation land as part of their application for fast track approval
18 Exchanges of conservation areas and Crown-owned reserves
(1) If this Part applies, the Minister of Conservation may, in accordance with this clause, authorise by notice in the Gazette the exchange of the following land for land specified by the applicant (a land exchange):
(a) a conservation area or part of a conservation area:
The Minister of Conservation (Tama Potaka) has absolute authority to authorise a swap of conservation land by simply making a declaration and publishing it in the NZ Gazette (The NZ Gazette is the official publication which records government decisions). As parliament is sovereign, this ministerial power would override any Court decision and be beyond judicial review.
For comment contact:
Dr Trevor Le Lievre (spokesperson, Wise Water Use HB)