Te Taiao
The Injustice of the sale of Lake Whatumā
This ½ hour documentary (2012) explores the injustice of the sale of Lake Whatumā, which was part of the 1851 Waipukurau Block purchase by the Crown.
At the time, Donald McLean (Land Purchase Commissioner for the Crown) made a promise to chief Te Hapuku, “Ruhe, I have no business with your lake – your lake belongs to you again. Mine is the land”. However, in 1893 a sale notice appeared, and local Māori were denied access to the lake, a crucial source of food and nutrition. Petitions to the Crown by Māori were ignored.
While a 2018 Waitangi Tribunal Settlement created the Whatumā Recreational Reserve now managed by tangata whenua, around 2/3 of the lake remains privately owned. Unfinished business, if this past injustice is to be put right. (29:21)
Bay of Plenty - Environmental Documentary
Standing atop Mt Tarwera, documentary maker and environmental advocate, Geoff Reid, explains “The Bay of Plenty is abundant in the natural characteristics that define Aotearoa, New Zealand. From geothermal wonders, freshwater lake systems, thousands of years of ash deposits from volcanic eruptions, and the perfect climatic conditions to produce the most impressive ancient podocarp rainforests in the world. These natural phenomena have set up some of the richest and highly productive soils for industries like forestry, kiwifruit and dairy farming”
HOWEVER, Geoff asks, have we forgotten the reciprocal nature of our relationship with the earth, and through rapid, sustained intensification of land use, are we pushing this part of Aotearoa to its limits?
In this compelling 46 minute video, Geoff explores the impacts industrial land-use and poor rules and regulations are having on our environment and human health in the Bay of Plenty region, and discusses with kaumātua and industry leaders the urgent need for changes to safeguard living systems and our human health.
For a great example of what we could be doing in Hawkes Bay to retain water in our landscape, check out the work being dome on forest and wetland restoration!
Environmentally Destructive Events in 2022
In this must-watch 4 minute video Guardian journalists Monika Cvorak, Elena Morresi and Nikhita Chulani splice together footage of the various climate events which have wracked the planet during 2022. Catastrophic floods, spectacular glacier collapse, ravaging wild fires – this footage is sure to have even the most ardent climate change deniers spilling their lattes over their morning copy of the Wall Street Journal (4:23)